
Trinity Episcopal Church welcomes you - whether you're searching for a new church home or just visiting our area. We look forward to meeting you!

We invite you to browse our humble website, but the best way to get to know us is to worship with us on Sunday morning. All are welcome to join us for worship on Sunday morning at 11:30 a.m. (no service on the fifth Sunday of each month.)

If you have questions, click on the "Contact Us" tab and reach out to us. We'd love to hear from you and will be happy to answer your questions. 

Are you new to the Episcopal Church? You can learn all about us at

Trinity Episcopal Church Welcome Kit

RUBBER BAND -to remind you we are bound together in CHRIST.
CANDY KISS - to remind you of the sweetness found in CHRIST.
KLEENEX - to dry another's tears or to dry your own.
COTTON BALL -to remind an unsaved friend that though their sin be as scarlet, they can be white as wool.
POSTCARD - to write a long overdue note to a friend or write to someone you know who is ill or lonely.
BAND-AID - to remind you of healing, perhaps at hurt feelings of someone you love.
RIBBONS - to remind you that friendship ties should be knotted in the LORD.
PENNY - to remind you that  friends sometimes need a "Sense" of humor.

All lovingly packed into a sandwich bag because it's food for the heart to be shared with others!